Sending Template (SleekFlow Cloud API)

Sending template message through Make integration

For SleekFlow Cloud API WhatApp channel ONLY.

Create Contact

First, you will have to Create a Contact in the scenario

Fill in the required fields.

Phone Number and Email are the main fields that you have to fill in.

Make an API call

To send a message through SleekFlow to the contact that you have created you will have to choose Make an API call .

Fill in the URL which is standardized so that you can copy and paste this Message/Send/json

Next, you will have to enter the Query String which consists of Key and Value. You can copy and paste apikeyinto the Key field. For the Value field, you have to copy and paste the API key which you can obtain from your Channels under Connect Automation Platform where you can find Make and click on Add. The API key will be presented to you there.

In the Body field, you will have to paste the Payload of the template that you prefer to use.

In the Template Payload that you have pasted the Body field, you will have to fill in the "From" and "To" section.

In the From section fill in your WhatsApp phone number in between the Quotation mark ("")

In the To section, just select the phone number of your recipient from the option given based on the image below.

These are the payload that you can copy and paste into the body section based on the type of template that you are sending.

Plain Text

  "channel": "whatsappcloudapi",
  "from": "company phone number",
  "to": "receiver phone number",
  "messageType": "template",
  "extendedMessage": {
     "WhatsappCloudApiTemplateMessageObject": {
          "templateName": "the template name",
          "language": "en",
          "components":  [
                 "type": "body",
                 "parameters": [
                     "text": "Test time",
                     "type": "text"
                     "text": "Test date",
                     "type": "text"

Values that should be added to the payload. "from": Company phone number "to": Receiver phone number "templateName": Exact template name "language": Template language "parameters": "text": Template Variable content.

Plain Text template with a quick reply button

            "name": "optin_1",
            "status": "approved",
            "language": "en",
            "category": "ACCOUNT_UPDATE",
            "components": [
                    "type": "BODY",
                    "text": "\*Notification\*\nHello there! You received a new message from SleekFlow."
                    "type": "BUTTONS",
                    "buttons": [
                        "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
                        "text": "Read more"
            "rejected_reason": "NONE",
        // extendedMessage JSON payload:
            "whatsappCloudApiTemplateMessageObject": {
                "templateName": "optin_1",
                "language": "en"

Values that should be added to the payload. "name": Template Name "language": Template language "type": "BODY", "text": Template content "type": "QUICK_REPLY", "text": Quick Reply Button Content

Media Tamplate (Image):

            "name": "sample_purchase_feedback",
            "status": "approved",
            "language": "template language",
            "category": "ISSUE_RESOLUTION",
            "components": [
                    "type": "HEADER",
                    "format": "IMAGE"
                    "type": "BODY",
                    "text": "Thank you for purchasing {{1}}! We value your feedback and would like to learn more about your experience."
                    "type": "FOOTER",
                    "text": "This message is from an unverified business."
                    "type": "BUTTONS",
                    "buttons": [
                            "type": "URL",
                            "url": "",
                            "text": "Take Survey"
            "rejected_reason": "NONE"
        // extendedMessage JSON payload:
            "whatsappCloudApiTemplateMessageObject": {  
              "templateName": "sample_purchase_feedback",
              "language": "en_US",
              "components": [
                      "type": "header",
                      "parameters": [
                              "type": "image",
                              "image": {
                                  "link": "{url of the image}"
                      "type": "body",
                      "parameters": [
                              "type": "text",
                              "text": "iPhone"

Values that should be added to the payload. "name": Template Name "language": Template language "components": "type": "BODY", "text": Template content with the variable as {{1}},{{2}},... "type": "FOOTER", "text": Template footer content

Media Tamplate(Document):

            "isTemplateBookmarked": false,
            "name": "sample_flight_confirmation",
            "status": "approved",
            "language": "en_US",
            "category": "TICKET_UPDATE",
            "components": [
                    "type": "HEADER",
                    "format": "DOCUMENT"
                    "type": "BODY",
                    "text": "This is your flight confirmation for {{1}}-{{2}} on {{3}}."
                    "type": "FOOTER",
                    "text": "This message is from an unverified business."
            "rejected_reason": "NONE"
        // extendedMessage JSON payload:
            "whatsappCloudApiTemplateMessageObject": {
                "templateName": "sample_flight_confirmation",
                "language": "en_US",
                "components": [
                        "type": "header",
                        "parameters": [
                                "type": "document",
                                "document": {
                                    "link": "{url of the document}",
                                    "filename": "example.pdf"
                        "type": "body",
                        "parameters": [
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": "Flight Name"
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": "Flight Number"
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": "May 3, 2022"

Values that should be added to the payload. "name": Template Name "language": Template language "components": "type": "BODY", "text": Template content with the variable as {{1}},{{2}},... "type": "FOOTER", "text": Template footer content

Finally, Run Once to test out the scenario, if both the icons turn green, that is an indication that the scenario is successful.

Last updated