Select the condition(s) that apply to those who satisfy that condition.
1. Contact Field (Country, company, lead source, etc.)
The condition - Contact Fields - stores different information of the contact that are customizable under a "contact". If a contact satisfy the specified conditions, the actions will be executed.
For example:
"Country" is any of "Hong Kong", "Canada"
"Company" contain exactly "SleekFlow"
2. Contact Owner
The condition - Contact Owner - is the staff member who the conversation is assigned to.
All new customers created from incoming messages are unassigned by default. Therefore, if you wish to assign staff and set an auto-reply for new customers, you need to set Contact Owner is unknown.
If contact A is assigned to Michael, then Michael is the contact owner of contact A.
If Erica manually adds a new contact into Sleekflow, then Erica is the owner of this new contact.
For example:
"Contact Owner" is any of "Michael"
You can only send auto-reply to customers who have Michael as their contact owner.
3. Keyword
The condition - Keywords - are a great way to know what your customers are looking for.
Actions can be done to contacts that satisfy the keyword(s) condition.
For example:
"Keyword" contain "Business", "Hello I'm looking for Ronald."
Actions (e.g. Auto-Replies) will be sent to the customers whose message contains
"Business" OR "Hello I'm looking for Ronald."
Now you can also set keywords to contain exactly a specific keyword, so it will not activate unless it is typed exactly as it is!
For example:
"Keyword" "Contains Exactly" "No"
Actions (e.g. Auto-Replies) will be sent to the customers whose message contains exactly "No" but not "Uno" or "No!"
4. List
The condition - List means that actions can only be done when the contacts are on specific lists.
For example:
"List" is "Gold Member"
You can create a new list directly when setting up automation conditions.
5. Last contact from you/ Last contact from customers
Last contact from you records down the date time that you team last replies to your customer.
Last contact from customer records down the date time the customer last sent a message to you. Please note that this value will immediately get updated when a message is received.
For example, it's 12:00pm on June 1st, 2020 now.
is within 1 day: between 12:00pm on May 31st, 2020 to 12:00pm on June 1st, 2020
is not within 1 day: Anytime before 12:00pm on May 31st, 2020
is before: an exact date-time e.g. 00:00 June 1st, 2020
is after: an exact date-time e.g. 23:59 June 1st, 2020
is exactly: is exact that date between e.g. 00:00-23:59 June 1st, 2020
is between: a particular date to another particular date
is known: is a known value i.e. you have talked to the customers before
is unknown: is unknown i.e. you have never sent any message to the customers
is on: a particular weekday e.g. Monday-Sunday (used to set Off-hour reply)
For example:
"Last contact from You" is not within "1 day"
You can control your auto-replies to be sent only if you have not messaged the customer for 1 day or more, so that multiple auto-replies won't be sent within 1 day.
Last contact from customers help you filter out customers who have not been in touch with you for a certain period of time.
6. Last Channel
The condition - Last Channel - is the most recent messaging channel that your customer talks to you on. Messages will be sent to contacts that satisfy the last channel condition.
For example:
"Last Channel" is any of "WhatsApp", "WeChat"
You can carry actions to customers who communicated with you most recently on WhatsApp and WeChat.
7. Away Status
Away Status means that the action can only be done if the Away status is set for the users and admins.
8. Conversation Status
Conversation Status means that the action can only be done if the Conversation status is in a specific state (Open, Snooze, Closed).
For example:
"Conversation Status" is "Open"
9. Is Known and Changed
This condition - Is Known and Changed - is used as a conjunction for these conditions to activate: when there is information added for these conditions, or when the information is changed for these conditions: 1. All Contact Fields 2. Contact Owner 3. Last Contact from you / Last Contact from customers 4. Last Channel
For example:
"Phone Number" "Is Known and Changed"
The action will be activated when the "Phone Number" is newly added or is recently changed.
10. Language
Set the language condition if messages content contain specific language.
For example:
"Languages" "Contains" "English".
The action will be trigger when the message contain English.
11. Label
The condition - Label means that actions can only be done when the contacts are contained with a specific label.
For example:
"Label" "contain all of" "VIP".
You can create a new label directly when setting up automation conditions.
Last updated
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