
Connect Shopify and automate workflows on SleekFlow.

Navigate to Channels > Commerce > Add new commerce extension. Click "Connect" next to Shopify

Integrate to SleekFlow

1. Add Integration

Go to Channels and click "Add" under Add Integrations section.

You will be directed to this page to start the Shopify integration on SleekFlow. To connect Shopify to SleekFlow, you will need the following:

  • A Shopify account with admin access to your linked Shopify page

  • Permission of access to private apps

  • Permission of read access to Products, Customers and Orders

2. Confirm you have a Shopify Account

Tick the box to confirm you have a Shopify account. Click the "Next" button to proceed.

If you do not have a Shopify account, please sign up for an account here.

3. Confirm enabled custom app

Tick the box to confirm you have enabled custom app. Click the "Next" button to proceed.

If you have not enabled custom app on Shopify before, please follow this guide to enable it.

Enable Custom App

4. Create a custom app

You are required to create a custom app for SleekFlow on Shopify.

Please check this article, create a custom app and click the "Next" button to proceed to the next step.

Create Custom App

5. Connect Shopify to SleekFlow

Shop URL

Enter the Shop URL of your Shopify store. You can find it on the top left of the Shopify admin page.

Admin API Access Token

Go back to your Shopify account, check the Admin API Access Token under Apps > Develop apps for your store > Your custom app > API credentials.

Fill in details

Fill in Shop URL and Admin API Access Token on SleekFlow, click the "Submit" button.

6. Connection Successful

A "Connection Successful" message will be shown if you entered the correct information.

You will see the contacts and orders information from Shopify. You may choose to "Sync Now" to sync available information to SleekFlow, or you can choose to sync later.

The number of contacts and orders you can sync is determined by Shopify. Please check the Shopify API rate limits here.

7. Added to Channels

Your Shopify is now added to the Channels.

Shopify Information on Inbox

After integrating Shopify to SleekFlow. You can view the Shopify order information on the customer's Inbox.

Abandoned cart

You can check items that are put in the customer's Shopify cart. You can copy the Order URL and approach them directly to encourage them to place an order.

Latest order

Get to know the customer's latest order so that you can well follow the order status.

Order History

You may check the customer's order history on SleekFlow without navigating back to Shopify pages.

Columns Created on SleekFlow Automatically

After you have integrated Shopify on SleekFlow, columns will be created automatically to match the data value retrieved from Shopify listed below:

Lead Source (It will show as Shopify): To identify where the customer came from (e.g. From WhatsApp or directly from Shopify).

Last Order Number: The order number from the customer purchase. Last Order Items: The items ordered by your customer. Last Order Amount: The amount of the items ordered by your customer. Last Order Updated Date: The date that the order is last updated (any status updates). Last Order Date: The date the order was created. Last Order Status URL: The URL to the status of their order.

Last Order Fulfillment Status: Displays whether the order has been fulfilled or not, based on Shopify fulfillment status record. Last Order Status: Displays the current Order Status as shown on Shopify. Last Order Financial Status: Displays if the order is paid or incomplete. Last Order Remarks: Displays remarks noted in Shopify.

Last Order Currency: The currency of the order.

Last Order Total Price: Total price of the last order purchase.

Abandoned Cart Items: Items in the customer's abandoned cart.

Abandoned Cart Amount
: Amount of the customer's abandoned cart items.

Abandoned Cart Currency: The currency of the abandoned cart currency.

Abandoned Cart Total Amount: Total amount of the customer's abandoned cart items.

Abandoned Cart Date
: The date that the abandoned cart is last updated (any status updates).

Abandoned Cart URL
: The URL to the status of their abandoned cart items.

Automate Messages by creating Automation on SleekFlow

After you successfully added contacts automatically to SleekFlow. You can always set automation rules on SleekFlow by referring to our guidelines.

SleekFlow uses email or phone number to map to the existing contact. For example, if the phone number on Shopify is the same as an existing number on SleekFlow, the contact will not duplicate but instead will be updated automatically.

For most automation sets with integrations, we recommend you to create a New or Updated Contacts scenario automation. Once the contact is synced onto SleekFlow, you can set automation to immediately send updates and information.

New or Updated Contacts

1. Order Confirmation

Let's take sending a confirmation message as an example, "Once the order is paid, the automation will trigger."

Select New or Updated Contacts to start

Name the automation rule and set the conditions.

Add the customers who have paid the order to a list and send a confirmation message to them.

The customer will receive the confirmation message shown as below.

2. Order Delivery

Let's take sending delivery message as an example, "Once the order is delivered, the automation will trigger."

Select New or Updated Contacts to start

Name the automation rule and set the conditions.

Add the customers whose orders have been delivered to a list and send a delivery message to them.

The customer will receive the delivery message shown as below.

3. Abandoned Shopping Cart

Let's take sending a reminder message for an abandon Shopping Cart as an example, "Once the Abandoned Cart item is changed, the automation will trigger." Select New or Updated Contacts to start

Name the automation rule and set the conditions.

Add customers who have added items to the abandoned shopping cart to a contact

Send a reminder message to customers on the list to encourage them to check out

You could use a template message on this automation to avoid the failure of sending due to the closed conversation window.

If you want to know more about what actions can be automated on SleekFlow, please refer to the link below and see what combinations you can create!


Last updated