Facebook Business Verification

Required Information

To complete Facebook Business Verification, you are required to have the below access and information:

Once you have them, you can begin the Facebook Business Verification process.

1. Completing the steps

Login to Facebook Business by going to https://business.facebook.com

  • After you enter the page, you will see one of two interfaces

If your interface matches the First Interface, you can skip to Step 3

2. Switch to Old Business Manager Interface

On the bottom right of the screen, you can click on the Give Feedback icon

Press the Switch to Business Manager Icon

It will prompt you to write a review, you can cancel the box or type in a review. Either method will direct you back to the Old Business WhatsApp Interface

3. Navigating the Old Business Manager Interface

After arriving at the Old interface, go to Business Settings by pressing the bottom left settings icon (the cog)

Then navigate to the security centre

Press the Business Verification step button and begin the application accordingly

If you cannot press the button, please wait for our next email after submitting the Official WhatsApp application

4. Complete Business Verification Form

You will need to fill in the Business Verification form with the required information.

If you haven't completed the form, it will be shown on the Verification Status as 'In Review'.

Please confirm if you have filled in all of the information.

1/Enter your business details

Check you have entered the same business name shown on official documents. If you entered an incorrect name, it might not process the verification.

2/Upload your Business Registration Document to verify your business name.

Upload documents that show the legal company name, like Business Licences or VAT registration certificates.

Remember to select your document language (English / 中文(香港))

3/ Upload documents for further verification

You will need to upload your Business Registration Document again to verify your business address or phone number.

Upload document, for example, the bank statement with address/phone for verification.

4/ Fill in the information for the business domain verification

Type in your email address with company domain and verify your business domain

5. Completed Verification

You have now completed Facebook Business Verification. The whole verification process will take 7-14 days.

You may check the verification status on Facebook for Developer > Setting > Basic > Verification.

If your Facebook Business Verification has failed, please refer to our guide below to help you identify what needs to be amended to ensure your Facebook Business Verification gets approved

What to do if your Facebook Business Verification has failed

Last updated