Labels management for inbox.
You can view and manage all your labels here.
Add Label
Create a new label by clicking on the "Add Label" button in the top right corner.
Fill in the Label Name and select the Label Color. Click the "Add" button to create the label.
For example, choose the green color for all the "VIP" labels for better filtering.
You may also add a label in the inbox, check this for more details.
Inbox LabelsEdit Label
Click on the pen icon to edit the existing label.
Edit the Label Name or Color.
Click the "Save" button for new changes or the "Back" button if you choose not to edit.
Delete Label
Click on the bin icon to delete the selected label.
A window will be prompted. Click on the "Delete" button if you confirm to delete the label.
The label will be erased from your SleekFlow account if you confirm. All contacts with this label will be removed.
Search Label
Search specific labels by typing in the label name in the search bar.
Last updated