Install on Magento

Read the following guide to understand how you should set up the Sleekflow Website Messenger on your Magento Website!

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform. It is one of the most popular systems in the network.

What you'll need:

Please login to your Magento Admin Account to proceed.

1. Heading into System Configuration

After logging in to your Magento Admin account you will be presented the following page.

Click on System and a drop down menu will be revealed. Click on Configuration to proceed.

Once in Configuration, locate the Design Tab in the menu to your left.

Head to the footer tab in the Design Section after which you will be presented with something like above.

At this point, you should head to the SleekFlow App. Please find your unique snippet code here.

Copy and paste the code in the Miscellaneous HTML Section in Magneto.

3. Saving the Configuration

Click on the orange Save Config button on the top right after pasting the code. Your Website Messenger is now set up!

Done! Your Magento website now has a Sleekflow Website Messenger.

Customizing your Live Chat Widget

If you've now customized your live chat widget, please read our guide below to make it works for you!

Setting up Live Chat

Last updated