Broadcast first message

Broadcast messages to your connected channels in one click

Create List

Click on the Create List button to create a new list for your first broadcast. Select "Lists" from the dropdown under "Contacts".

Click on the Create List button under your name on the top right-hand corner of the screen to add a new list.

Name the list and click on the Create button to create the list.

The list has been created.

Add contacts to list

Navigate to the Contacts and select the contacts that you want to add to a list. Click the Add to List button on top of the contact table.

Create Campaign

Click on the Create Campaign button to set up your first campaign.

Navigate to the Campaign page and select the Create Campaign button.

Follow this guide to set up fill-in and select the corresponding details for your campaign.


If you are all set, you can click on the Preview button to view the message. Click the Publish button to send the broadcast.

Last updated