WhatsApp (Official) - SleekFlow
Apply and connect to Official WhatsApp API directly.
SleekFlow is Meta's badged Business partner.
As a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP), you can apply or integrate with your WhatsApp API number to use all the features of WhatsApp Business API directly.
Connect WhatsApp Business API account to SleekFlow
1. Apply directly on SleekFlow
Book a consultation with our team for choosing the best WhatsApp Business connection if you are using the Free Plan.
Messaging Fee
Official WhatsApp Business API has a messaging window of 24 hours which allows users to reply to customers with any content using session messages. After 24 hours, users need to send a Template to reopen the messaging window to respond to the customers.
There are two types of messages for Official WhatsApp: Business-initiated messages and Service conversations (user-initiated messages), with a Pay-as-you-go charge as followed.
Conversation charges will be based on the message category
Cost per conversation in USD, effective August 1, 2024
Regional Rate Mapping
For other regional rate mapping information, please refer to the below CSV file:
Actual charges may vary across different regions due to exchange rates and payment gateway fees.
Users can plan their budgets, track their spending, and manage their account billing in the SleekFlow platform.
Message Window
Business Initiated Messages (Template Messages): If you and the customer had no conversation in the last 24 hours, you are required to send a pre-approved WhatsApp template message to reopen the messaging window. When you receive a reply from your customer, you can keep sending free-form session messages to the customers within the next 24 hours.
Learn more about creating templates on the SleekFlow platform:
User-Initiated Messages
It begins when messages are sent to reply to customers' incoming messages. This means that the customer is the one who sent your business an incoming message first. For this type of conversation, you can send free-form messages instead of just template messages.
Free-form messages: The timer is set whenever a contact sends an incoming message to your WhatsApp number. You will have 24 hours to send any messages to that user.
Interactive Messages
Besides just sending text, you may send interactive templates messages to customers for better engagement. There are two types of interactive messages you can create in the template:
Quick Reply: Customers click on a predefined button and reply with a simple text message.
For example, you can create quick reply buttons for customers to choose the service when contacting you.
Call to Action: Allows customers to call a phone number and visit a website directly by clicking the button.
For example, you create a call to action button for customers. They click "GO", then it will direct them to the new website instantly.
You can choose one of them when creating a new template. Check this guide for more details:
List Messages
SleekFlow WhatsApp allows incoming messages to trigger interactive messages namely List Messages and Quick Reply. Giving you the option to increase the interactions between you and your customers! List Messages are now available under the automation scenario - “Incoming Messages”. Check this guide for more information.
Last updated