Backup WhatsApp chats files

Backup WhatsApp chats in json format

Use Google Chrome Extension to backup all your existing WhatsApp chats before deleting the associated WhatsApp account.

Download WhatsApp Chat Files

1. Install the Chrome extension

Download and install Back up WhatsApp chat extension.

Download Link

2. Connect to your WhatsApp Account

Click the Back up WhatsApp chat extension icon, then click on the "Open WhatsApp Web" button to access and connect to your WhatsApp account.

Please note: All chats will be backed up based on messages loaded in WhatsAPP Web. Messages that are not loaded in WhatsApp Web will NOT be backed up.

There is a possibility that older chats may not get loaded on WhatsApp Web due to WhatsApp private policy updates in July 2022.

3. Choose the backup date range

Once connected to your WhatsApp account, click on the Back up WhatsApp chat extension again. You can select the dates you want to backup.

All chat history for the corresponding date range will be backup.

*Media files and Group chats will NOT be backup.

4. Download WhatsApp Chats Files

Click on the "Download WhatsApp Chats" button, and then will start the download process.

The process may take several minutes to 8 hours, depending on the amounts of messages you are going to download.

5. Complete WhatsApp Chat files

Your chat history is safe, and files have been backed up. You can connect your 360Dialog WhatsApp API to SleekFlow.

Upload zip file to SleekFlow

Last updated