Manage Templates

Template management in the 360 Client Hub.

For Official WhatsApp numbers, if you want to contact customers who did not interact with you for over 24 hours, you must use approved templates to send a message.

You can access your 360 Dialog Hub for managing the templates.

Template management

Navigate to Settings > Template Manager > 360 Dialog Hub.

You will be directed to 360 Dialog Hub, click on the Manage Templates button.

You can get an overview of all templates under your Official WhatsApp number.

Create a template

You will need to include the following information:

Template Name: Can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters only and underscores ( _ )

Template Category: Marketing / Transactional / One-time Password

Recommend to use Marketing or Transactional

Template Language: The template written language

Template Type: Standard (text only) or Media Template

Standard (text only) Template

Standard templates only have a BODY section.

To add a variable to indicate where you plan to use dynamic content, insert {{#}} at the given position, where # represents the variable index, which needs to start at {{1}}.

For example, to send “Hello Angel! We have launched the latest event Super Night. Since you are our VIP client, would you like to register?”.

The template would be: "Hello {{1}}! We have launched the latest event {{2}}. Since you are our VIP client, would you like to register?"

Once the template is approved, you can insert any content for {{1}} and {{2}}.

Media Template

Media Templates have more building blocks and features.It consists of the following building blocks:

Template status

Template messages must be submitted to WhatsApp for review and approval before being available to use.

The status of this review can be reflected by the color of the template's language.

The grey button refers to template was created. It will change to a light grey button when submitted.

Using a template

If you and the customer had no conversation in the last 24 hours, you are required to send an approved WhatsApp template message.

When clicking on the "Select Template" button, you can select from "All Templates" and send it immediately.

Last updated