WhatsApp QR Code

QR Code setting for teams and staff to manage channels, default messages, and conversation assignments

Activating the WhatsApp QR Code setting can help you manage channels, default messages, and conversation assignments for teams and users. You can maintain brand consistency and manage remote teams seamlessly.

WhatsApp QR Code is an add-on feature.

Please get in touch with our consultant for quotation and set up details.

WhatsApp QR Code

Each team and user will get its unique WhatsApp QR code.

User Code

Admin can manage staff QR code channels and download specific staff's QR codes on the User page.

QR code channel

Select the message channel you would like the customer to connect to after scanning the QR code.

Download code

Click the download button. The system will generate a QR code for the selected staff.

When customers scan the QR code, they will connect to the staff through the selected message channel.

Team Code

Admin can manage team's QR code channels, conversation assignments and download specific team's QR codes on the Team page.

QR code channel

Select the message channel you would like the customer to connect to after scanning the QR code.

Assign to

You can assign it either to a specific person, by queue (team), or leave it unassigned.

Specific Person: All conversations will be assigned to one staff.

By Queue: Conversations will be assigned to staff in the team in the round-robin. For example, if you have 4 staff, it will be assigned like Staff 1 -> Staff 2 -> Staff 3 -> Staff 4 -> Staff 1 -> .....

Unassigned: Conversations will be left as unassigned for all admin/staff to pick up the conversations. The first staff who replied will take the conversations.

Download code

Click the download button. The system will generate a QR code for the selected team.

When customers scan the QR code, they will connect to the team by conversation assignment through the selected message channel.

Customize messages

First Incoming Message

You can customize the default message sent to your teams or staff. Click the "Save" button on the top-right corner to confirm changes.

The default message will be generated after the customer scans the QR code.

Auto-reply message

You can also customize the auto-reply message of your teams' or staff's reply after receiving the customer's first incoming message. Click the "Save" button on the top-right corner to confirm changes.

You can disable this setting if you have already set up automation for incoming messages.

The system will send the auto-reply message after receiving the customer's first incoming message.

Last updated