13. Schedule Periodic Promotional Messages

Send birthday greetings on the 1st day of each month for birthday promotions

Scenario - Scheduled Actions

Create rule under Automation and select Scheduled Actions as the Scenario for this rule.

You can send a birthday message to all your contacts who have a birthday tomorrow.


"Birthday" is within "1 day"

Is within 1 day means that if the rule was created/renewed at 8am, it will include all appointments that are till 8am the next day.


"Send Message" Customise your message content to send to your leads. You can add more than 1 message and insert customised parameters such as the first name they filled.

Add wait time, eg. 5 minutes, to send another message/image for the conversation to be more natural.

Apply a Template

SleekFlow has prepared some ready templates for users, feel free to apply them!

Create Rule under Automation then select Apply a Template

Select Send birthday wishes under Scheduled Messages then edit the conditions and actions according to your preferences.

Last updated