Template Manager (Cloud API)

Apply for templates on SleekFlow directly, get approved, and start sending immediately.

Creating a Template

Click on the "Create Template" button to start creating your own template.

Template Name: The name of your template, only for your reference, will not be seen by the clients/customers.

The Template Name must only contain lowercase characters and underscores instead of spaces.

Category: Set your template within a category

Marketing: Any message that is not utility or authentication will be marketing. Examples: welcome messages, newsletters, offers, coupons, catalogs, and new store hours.

Utility: Updates about an order or account that a customer has already created. Examples: order confirmations, account updates, receipts, appointment reminders, and billing.

Authentication: Codes to help customers verify their purchases or account logins. Examples: one-time password, account recovery code.

Button Type (Optional): Set the button type for your template message

  • None: This template does not have a button (usually used for most templates)

  • Quick Reply: Define buttons that users can tap to respond. Text only, cannot include emoji.

  • Call to Action: The button will allow your customer to call a phone number or visit a website (e.g., payment link, tracking link, more information) at the touch of a button

You will only be able to create a maximum of 3 buttons for Quick Reply and 2 buttons for Call to Action.

The Quick Reply Button text must only contain text messages instead of emojis.

Customize your message by using a Call to Action button that links to a dynamic URL.

Call to Action button (Dynamic Url)

Language: The main language of your template

Message: The content that you want to send.

For variables, use double curly braces to indicate where you plan to use dynamic content.

For example, to send “Hello Angel, welcome to SleekFlow. I am Johnny, the Customer Success Specialist"

The template would be: Hello {{1}}, welcome to SleekFlow. I am {{2}}, the Customer Success Specialist.

Reminder: Line breaks between sentences/paragraphs must not exceed more than 1 line

When the template is approved, you can insert any variables or content for {{1}} and {{2}}, which you can edit when sending the template.

Reminder: The variables should be numbered in sequence.

After completing the template the preview of the template will be available on the right. Click on submit once done.

Creating a Media Template

Click on the Header > Select Image/Video/Document

For example, creating an image template

The Text header must only contain text messages instead of emojis.

A preview of the template will be available on your right panel.

The same procedure is for Video and Document attached template.

The Footer must only contain text messages with less than 60 characters instead of emojis.

Once you are done with the template content, Click on Submit for review

You need to add a sample file on the pop-out window by Drag and drop or click to select files

Once you upload the file, Click on Confirm to submit the template to WhatsApp for approval.

Template status

After submitting a template, you can come back to check the template's status to see if you are able to use it.

Waiting for WhatsApp approval: The template is not yet overviewed by WhatsApp. You can come back a day later to check if the status changed.

Rejected: Your template has been rejected by WhatsApp and cannot be used as a template message

Approved: Your template was approved and you can immediately copy and paste the message as a template message

Last updated