Frequently asked questions regarding SleekFlow's Automation feature

1. How can I assign different conversations to different staff members?

Under actions, you can automatically assign conversations to specific staff or by queue. The manual way to assign conversations to different staff is by clicking the contact and editing the specific contact field.

6. Reassign Returning Customers

2. Can I send an auto message, assign conversations to staff, and add contacts to a list within the same rule?

Yes, there are no limits on how many actions you can do in one rule.

12. Update Contact Data & Add And Remove From List

3. If I put the dates, July 5th - 10th, is it inclusive of these dates?

Yes, it is inclusive of the first and last date. It will be based on the timezone of your account.

4. Is it possible to send auto messages confirming purchases or bookings?

Currently, it is not possible to send a message automatically after someone purchases/books something on your website. However, you can create a column called "Paid"/"Booked" under contacts and log information which will trigger an auto message under the scenario, Contact Data Field Updated.

11. Notify Customers with New or Updated Status

5. What is the difference between an auto-reply and an auto-message?

An auto-reply is triggered only with an incoming message from the contact. An auto message is when you make the first move to send the message

6. How do I switch a rule to draft/live?

To switch a rule to draft, click on the rule and on the top right, click "Switch to Draft". To switch a rule to live, simply click "Publish Rule".


7. Do the order of the rules matter?

Yes, they do matter. Sleekflow will run the rules from top to bottom order. Only one rule from each scenario can run.


8. Do I need to manually update the contact field for a message to be triggered?

Yes, you need to update the contact field manually for a message to be triggered. However, with API integrations, that process can be automated

Last updated