Upload zip file to SleekFlow

Import the backup chat files to SleekFlow when your Official WhatsApp API is ready.

Import WhatsApp chat files to SleekFlow

1. Upload zip file

Navigate to Settings > WhatsApp BackUp Chats.

A. Not connected Official WhatsApp API channel to SleekFlow yet

You will need to apply and connect to an Official WhatsApp API channel first.

Apply via 360dialog

B. Having an existing Official WhatsApp channel

Select an existing channel.

Drag and drop the ZIP file to the box to upload and sync your backup chat history to SleekFlow.

The system can proceed with the zip file within 20MB only, any zip file greater than 20MB cannot be able to upload.

If it is greater than 20MB, please break it down into different files to upload in several times.

2. Importing chat history

When all files are synced, a progress bar will appear to allow you to track the importing process. You can still browse the website while your chat history is uploading.

Upon completion, a green progress bar will appear with a checkmark.

3. Chat history imported to SleekFlow

Please ensure that you see a green bar after uploading all your files. Click the NEXT button to proceed. You can see all your updated conversations under Inbox.

Last updated