An overview of your customers across all messaging channels.
Organize and quickly sort all your contact profiles with ease on the Contacts tab.
All contact profiles with whom you have had conversations will be automatically saved to the Contacts Tab.
Autosave contacts
When an incoming message is initiated by a customer who is not yet a contact, the available contact information from the instant messaging platform will be automatically saved to your Contacts tab.
For example:
When a customer starts a conversation with you on WhatsApp, information such as Phone Number and Display Name will be automatically added onto SleekFlow.
As you obtain more information about the customer, you can edit and update the customer's information using the Contacts tab.
Import Contacts
Go to Contact > Create, fill in the contact's details and click the "Create" button at the bottom to create a new contact.
Bulk import
Use the import contact function if you have a large number of contacts to add.
Import ContactsUpdate Contacts
Bulk update contacts in one go, using the bulk edit function.
Search Contacts
There is a quick search for a specific contact by name, phone number, or email address in the search field.
Type in any name, phone number, or email address and click "Search".
Filter Contacts
You can filter contacts by selecting specific conditions.
Last updated