Install on Shopify

Guide to install Live Chat widget on Shopify

What you'll need before you begin to set up Shopify with SleekFlow:

Installing SleekFlow to your Shopify account/store

1. Log in to Shopify

Go to the Shopify Login page by clicking here , to login to your account and access your website control panel.

2. Click on Customise to manage your preferences

Under your current active theme, navigate to Customise as highlighted to edit the preferences.

3. Click on Edit Code to begin editing mode

From the navigational pane that appears, click Edit Code to begin editing the theme to input the snippet.

4. Click on footer.liquid

Navigate yourself through the new link that appears to find Sections. Expand it if it is not open, and open the sub-file footer.liquid.

Under the footer.liquid css layout, scroll down to find </footer>.

At this point, you should head to the SleekFlow App.

Please find your unique snippet code here and copy and paste it on your website.

Copy and paste the tracking code here before {% schema %}.

That is, between </footer> and {% schema %}

Please use "Paste and Match Style" to paste the snippet code on Shopify. If the widget does not appear on your site, it could be due to the double quote " appearing twice. Please kindly delete one of the double quote and leave only one double code.

Click on Save once pasted.

Done! The widget should appear on your website now!

You have now successfully installed our integrated messaging platform into your Shopify website. Open your website to now view the updated changes. You should be able to view the widget on the bottom right hand side of your website.

Customizing your Live Chat Widget

If you've now customized your live chat widget, please read our guide below to make it works for you!

Setting up Live Chat

Last updated