Newly Added Contacts

Update your newly added contacts with a personalised auto-message.

Newly added contacts are those from Facebook Leads Ads, Google Forms, imported from CSV Files and manually added contacts.

When you create or import new contacts onto Sleekflow, you can proactively send greeting messages to those newly added contacts. Write a customized message to send to new contacts to engage them.

In order to set up auto-messages for your company, click on the templates below:

8. Proactively Reach Out to Newly Added Contacts

Take the first step and greet newly added customers

9. Proactively reach out to newly added contacts from Facebook Lead Ads

Send messages to customers who have filled out forms such as Facebook Lead Ads and Google Forms

10. Send Drip Campaign Messages when Customers Sign Up

Send multiple messages in a certain period of time

Trigger custom auto-messages to newly added contacts based on 1 condition

Under conditions, choose 1 condition. Under actions, write an auto-message using the variables.

For example:

You can send an auto-message (greeting message) to contacts that are newly imported into SleekFlow with a CSV file/Facebook Lead Ads/Google forms etc.

Conditions: "Lead Source" > "Facebook Lead Ads" "Google Forms" "CSV File"

Actions: "Add Action" > “Send Message”

Trigger custom auto-messages to newly added contacts based on multiple conditions

Follow step 1. Under Conditions, click “Add Condition” and select the condition(s) that apply. This will send an auto-message to contacts that satisfy the conditions.

For example:

If you recently imported 100 contacts through CSV Files, you can send an auto-message to those contacts that are specifically of high priority and from Hong Kong by selecting the conditions that apply.

Conditions: “Priority” > “High” + “Country” > “Hong Kong”.

Actions: "Add Action" > “Send Message”

Last updated