Edit Columns

Customise and store the contact information that you need, retrieve and edit while keeping it neat.

Create your contact columns to collect and store information that best suits your needs.

Click on the "Edit Columns" button on top of the contact table.

Choose to add, edit, delete, or hide columns.

Adding Column

Scroll to the bottom of the "Edit Column" pop up and select "Add Column".

You will be prompted to give the column a name ("Label") and select how you want the information to be collected and displayed ("Field Type").

For example:

  • Label: Contact Owner

  • Field Type: Single-Line Text (i.e. Tommy Chan)

If you are planning to insert symbols in the Column Label, please note:

You can insert: < > / , ~ ! # - = & { } _

DO NOT insert : + @ $ * ^ ( ) \

Field Type Examples:

  • Single-Line Text: Tommy Chan

  • Multi-Line Text: Room9, Entrepreneurship Centre, Core D, Level 3, IT Street, Cyberport

  • Number: 2

  • Phone Number: 98765678

  • Email: someone@email.com

  • Dropdown Select: "Prospect", "Lead", "Customer"

  • True/False: "True", "False"

When adding a column with a "Dropdown Select" field type, key in an option into the text box and click on "Add Option" to add more options. Click "Delete" to remove the option and click "Save" to save the information for the column.

These custom columns can be used as variables when running campaigns. They will be automatically available for use once added.

Editing Column

Hover your mouse to the column you want to edit and click "Edit" button.

Make changes to both the label and field type and click "Save" to save the changes.

Deleting Column

If you no longer in need for a specific column, hover over the column and click on the "Delete" button to remove the column permanently.

All information from the column will be deleted. Please confirm before process deletion.

Hiding Column

Hide less important columns by clicking the "Hide" button.

The column will not be visible on the Contacts, but the column and information are still stored.

Click "Edit Columns" on top of the Contact table, hover over the column and click "Unhide" to unhide the column and make it visible on the Contacts tab again.

Last updated