Inbox (Mobile App)

Learn all about the SleekFlow inbox on mobile.

The Inbox screen includes most of the features found on the Desktop Version of our application.


You can see all the conversations on the interface.

By pressing on "Your Conversations" on top, you can change which inbox interface you will be viewing.

Pressing the "Actions" button on the right opens up the Actions Pop up window, where you can change the conversation Status, Assignees and the Channels you want to talk to the client through.

Edit conversation details: Press "Actions" on the top right in the conversation.

  • Status: Change conversation status (Open/Snooze/Closed)

  • Assignee: Change conversation assignee

  • Collaborators: Add/Remove collaborators

  • Labels: Add/Remove Labels

  • Channels: Change reply channels

Search for contacts and conversations through the top right search button.


Swipe right on the contact to mark Unread or Bookmark conversations. Bookmark a conversation will pin that conversation on the top of the conversation list.

Send and Receive Messages

You can type messages in the input box at the bottom.

Assign Conversations

The assignee of the conversation lists in the top right-hand corner of the chat module. Click on the drop-down menu.

Tap assignee, then search or choose the teammate you would like to re-assign the conversation.

You can now go to the Inbox page to check the tab on the top.

You: the conversations that you are currently managing

@Mentions: The conversations that you mention, and you can access the conversations within the next 48 hours.

Unassigned (Team): The conversations are assigned to a team instead of one specific staff. All the staff in that team will receive notifications.

Unassigned: The conversations that are not assigned to any team or any specific staff.

All: All the conversations in the account. Only Admin and team admin would have this option.

Add labels

You can add labels to specify the customer. Click into the contact that you wish to add labels.

Tap "More" > "Labels".

Select the labels that you wish to add to this contact.

More to know for mobile app inbox functions:

Add & remove Collaborators (Mobile App)Add Internal Notes & Mention (Mobile App)Quick Reply (Mobile App)Audio Note (Mobile App)

Last updated