Zapier - Getting Started (v1)
Connect your apps and automate workflows on SleekFlow. Easy automations for busy people. Based on triggers on other apps, you can create or update contacts to send messages on SleekFlow.
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Connect your apps and automate workflows on SleekFlow. Easy automations for busy people. Based on triggers on other apps, you can create or update contacts to send messages on SleekFlow.
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Zapier allows you to connect SleekFlow with thousands of apps on Zapier, with some useful examples such as Google Sheet, Google Form, Typeform, Jotform, Hubspot, Shopify, WooCommerce, Calendly, Mailchimp and many more.
If you currently do not have a Zapier account, we recommend you start a 14-day free trial here. You can try connecting to your apps to experience workflow automation.
Zapier Integration is a Pro plan feature (It is currently a Public Beta Service). You can obtain Zapier access and the Unique API Key by going to Channels, Add Integrations on SleekFlow.
Immediately integrate SleekFlow with your favourite applications here.
Navigate to Channels > Integration > Automation tools. Click "Connect" next to Zapier
You can click the link in blue to Log in or Sign up on Zapier. You may retrieve the API key to connect SleekFlow with other apps on Zapier.
If you already created an account, you can log in directly and start connecting the apps with SleekFlow. If not, click sign up to create your Zapier account with your name and a work email.
You can click either "Make a Zap" or press "Create Zap" on the Zaps tab to begin.
You can also find SleekFlow App on Zapier directly.
SleekFlow app in Zapier supports both Trigger and Action on Create or Updated Contact.
Run a specific action to connect the third-party app when there are contacts information created or updated on SleekFlow.
For example, new contact A is created on SleekFlow, it will trigger the Zap and add this contact to a list to your connected app like Hubspot.
Create or Update contacts information to SleekFlow if the selected trigger is met in the third-party app.
For example, new contact B is created on Hubspot, it will trigger the Zap and create new contact B to SleekFlow as well.
You can search for paring apps with SleekFlow here.
We provide guides and instructions to integrate SleekFlow to different types of software, including forms, E-Commerce Platform, Booking Systems, CRM, Task Management, Payment Gateway etc.
Please also below some guides we have made for your reference.
Zapier - Google SheetZapier - WoocommerceZapier - Calendly