Zapier - Woocommerce
Connect WooCommerce and automate workflows on SleekFlow. Easy automations for busy people. Based on triggers set, you can create or update contacts to send messages on SleekFlow.
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Connect WooCommerce and automate workflows on SleekFlow. Easy automations for busy people. Based on triggers set, you can create or update contacts to send messages on SleekFlow.
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If you currently do not have a Zapier account, we recommend you to start a 14-day free trial here: You can try connecting to WooCommerce to experience workflow automation.
Click the button below to learn more about Zapier.
Immediately integrate SleekFlow with Woocommerce right here!
Click "Create Zap" to create your first automation rule.
In this tutorial, we will create an Order Status zap as an example.
Select WooCommerce in the App Event to trigger the Zap when something happens at WooCommerce.
Don't forget to name the zap on the top left corner then choose the Trigger Event to continue.
Coupon: Whenever there is an update on a coupon event (new coupon created, coupon information updated, coupon deleted), SleekFlow will sync the update. Send promotional messages on SleekFlow when there is an update on any coupon event.
Customer: Whenever there is update on a customer event (new customer created, customer information updated, customer deleted), SleekFlow will sync the update. Send automated welcome messages when a new customer is added in WooCommerce.
Order: Whenever there is update on an order event (new order created, order information updated, order deleted), SleekFlow will sync the update. Send an order confirmation message automatically when a new purchase is made in WooCommerce.
Product: Whenever there is update on a product event (new product created, product information updated, product deleted), SleekFlow will sync the update. Send promotional messages to targeted customers when there is an update on product event.
Subscription: Whenever there is update on a subscription event (new subscription created, subscription information updated, subscription deleted), SleekFlow will sync the update. Send a subscription confirmation message automatically when a new subscription is made in WooCommerce.
Line Item in an Order: Whenever an order event is created, SleekFlow will sync the separate task for each line item.
Divert orders to different teams on SleekFlow automatically.
Sign in to an existing account to continue.
Click "Sign in to WooCommerce" then you will be directed to the page below.
Website URL: Enter the URL to your WooCommerce store’s homepage. Be sure the URL starts with https://
and do not include the trailing slash.
For example:
WordPress Administrator Username: Enter your admin username or email address that you use when logging into the WordPress dashboard.
WordPress Administrator Password: Enter your WordPress password.
Click "Test trigger" to check if any status is found in your WooCommerce account. If the results show: "We found a (any event)", you can continue.
Select SleekFlow in the App Event to respond to the Zap when something happens at WooCommerce.
Choose "Create or Update Contact" for the Action Event then continue.
Choose an existing account to continue or create a new account by clicking "+ Connect a new account "
Click " + Connect a new account " then Zapier will direct you to the page below. Paste the API key from SleekFlow (Channels-> Zapier) then click " Yes, Continue ". After the creation, the new account will appear in the selection.
To retrieve the API key, log in your SleekFlow account then click Channels. Click Zapier then you will see "Your Unique API Key". Copy the API key and paste it in the blank to allow Zapier to access your SleekFlow account.
Please note that you have to create a new SleekFlow Contact Column first to match column that does not exist on SleekFlow. Column will not be automatically created.
Now you can match your SleekFlow column data with the spreadsheet data.
For Column Name: Value, it's for you to enter
{The column name you created on SleekFlow}: Value.
You may refer the example below.
Complete the fields, then continue. If the selections are not updated, can click "Refresh fields" at the lower left hand corner.
It is required that you retrieve the Phone Number (included with area code) and the First Name to create or update contacts on SleekFlow
Check if the set up is successful to send contact to SleekFlow. A green successful bar will appear when the contact is sent to SleekFlow. The Zap is ready to be turned on. Once you turn on the Zap the automation will begin.
If the test was not successful, please check if the fields for the test is completely filled in to match the fields set up above
After you successfully added contacts automatically to SleekFlow. You can always set automation rules on SleekFlow by referring to our guidelines.
SleekFlow uses email or phone number to map to existing contact. For example, if the phone number on WooCommerce is the same as an existing number on SleekFlow, that contact detail will get updated automatically.
For most automation set with integrations through Zapier, we recommend you use the New or Updated Contacts scenario. Once the contact is synced onto SleekFlow, you can set automation to immediately send updates and information.
Let's take sending a confirmation message as an example, once the order is paid the automation will trigger.
Name the automation rule and set the conditions.
Add the customers who have paid the order to a list and send a confirmation message to them.
If you want to know more about what actions can be automated on SleekFlow, please refer to the link below and see what combinations you can create!